Makes 10 smallish tumblers
Black Cow + English Strawberries vodka, 100ml
Frozen cranberries, 200g
Limoncello, 200ml
Sparkling water, 600ml
Four tablespoons golden caster sugar
Ten frozen blackberries, to garnish
A few sprigs lemon thyme, to garnish
Plenty of ice
Step by step
Blend the cranberries, Limoncello and sugar together in an electric mixer until you have a fine puree and then sieve into a jug.
Use a wooden spoon to press the pulp so you get as much of the juice as possible out of the cranberries. Discard the pulp, chill and keep until ready to serve.
Just before serving add the vodka and sparkling water to the jug and serve with ice, a blackberry and a few leaves of lemon thyme.
Click here to buy Black Cow & English Strawberries