Black Cow vodka, 50ml
Fresh espresso mixed with Willies cocoa powder, 40ml
Chocolate syrup, 15ml
Chocolate syrup, 15ml
Marshmallows (as many as you like!)
Step by step
Make the espresso and stir a spoonful of hot chocolate (we like Willies) into it until it dissolves.
In a cocktail shaker, add Black Cow, along with a handful of ice.
Shake vigorously to ensure a creamy texture.
Shake. But don’t just shake a little; shake a lot.
Shake. But don’t just shake a little; shake a lot.
Strain into a chilled martini glass and let the drink settle for a few moments.
Strain into a chilled martini glass and let the drink settle for a few moments.
Top with a toasted marshmallow for a sweet finish.
Top with a toasted marshmallow for a sweet finish.