Dorset Donkey

Created by Dustin MacMillan, this delicious cocktail is available in Mark Hix's pub and restaurant.


Black Cow Vodka, 50ml
Morello cherry liqueur, 10ml
20ml lime juice, 20ml
Stalks of sage, 3
Blueberries, 6
Top up with ginger ale

Step by step

Drop four of the blueberries into the bottom of a highball glass with two sprigs of sage.
Using a muddling stick or similar, gently press the berries and herbs into the bottom of the glass.
Pour the vodka, liqueur and lime into the glass.
Add cubed ice to fill the glass, then top with ginger ale.
Give the glass a quick stir to lift the berries and sage through.
Garnish with a sprig of sage and two blueberries.
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